New Delhi: The PYPA Delhi state, under the initiative of its charity and evangelism department conducted community outreach program among the blind residents of “Jan Sanyog Netraheen Kalyankari Sanstha” at Sultanpuri on 04-09-2022. A team of 20 members including pastors, PYPA Delhi state council and West district youth visited the residents on Sunday evening 4 PM. The members distributed groceries, stationery items, clothes for the students and in charges . PYPA youth also conducted a small prayer section, chaired by Br. Thomas Geevarghese (Joint secretary PYPA Delhi state). Followed by a song by sister Eviya and Sister Annet, Pr. Anson Abraham (President PYPA Delhi state) introduced the attendees to PYPA, its vision and about its charity wing activities. Word of God was shared by Pr. Mathew MG (Vice President – IPC West District). Br. Vinod, II year LLB student at Jamia Millia Islamia University, shared his testimony about his initial introduction to Gospel during his childhood in Christian institutions. Vote of thanks was given by Evg. Libu Alex (President PYPA west district), & session was closed with prayer by Pr. Johnson D Samuel  (Vice President PYPA Delhi state). The visiting team took time to interact with the students & were able to understand poor living conditions and their necessities. PYPA council arranged a contribution and bought food & amenities needed for the residents for coming few months. This programme was an eye opener towards the plight of the disabled in the society. The PYPA state council mentioned they want to conduct similar charitable events in the coming days too.


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